Advisory and Implementation Service

Advisory Services

At KDAX we offer comprehensive advisory and implementation services designed to optimize your IT infrastructure and applications. Our approach is tailored to meet your organization’s unique needs, ensuring that you achieve your strategic goals efficiently and effectively. We employ both the Waterfall and Agile methodologies to deliver the best results, depending on your project requirements and preferences.

Needs Assessment and Strategy Development

Technology Evaluation and Recommendations

Risk Management and Compliance

Implementation Services (XSPEDS)

At KDAX, we follow a structured, yet adaptable, remote delivery methodology that prioritizes engagement and efficiency. Here’s a breakdown of each stage.

Start: Deep Discovery

Prototyping: Collaborative Exploration

Execute: Building & Testing


Sustain: Continuous Support

Contact Us today to discuss how our advisory and implementation services can be tailored to your organization’s needs. Let us help you optimize your IT infrastructure and applications to drive your business forward.